Join Presale

Limited time events to enjoy lifetime dividends

Warning: Poinswap has not launched any token yet. Please make sure the website you click is, and any social media handle should be from the website. Beware of scam!

Join the Presale marketing campaign, and become early backers by subscribing your first slime! Enjoy numerous exclusive benefits available for Presale buyers only

How to become early backers?

  1. Connect wallet

  2. Click subscribe

  3. Congratulations, you have participate in the Presale Campaign!

What are the exclusive benefits?

  1. Free token airdrop

  2. Free Genesis NFT after total 3 months of staking

  3. Free POG NFT after IDO (POG NFT is different from Genesis NFT and will not receive dividends reward)

  4. Exclusive DAO

  5. Free metaverse conference ticket(s)

  6. Free gift cards, such as Amazon gift card, Google gift card, etc (pseudo random)

What are the other rewards?

  1. Activated referral program

  2. Get cashback up to 10% from slime referral value

  3. Earn passive income from referral program

Last updated